What’s Inside: Kelp

This sea vegetable is a superfood powerhouse for you horse, boasting large amounts of trace minerals and vitamins that are key to your horse’s health. It is important to source your kelp carefully, however, as it can accumulate heavy metals and toxins and be harvested in ways that are hazardous to the environment. We take great care in sourcing kelp that has been tested for iodine, heavy metal, and other toxin levels, and is harvested in an earth-friendly way.

Kelp’s main claim to fame is iodine, which is essential for healthy metabolic function. In addition to this, it also has a host of trace minerals and vitamins including calcium, iron, biotin, magnesium, and more. It also has antioxidant and anti inflammatory properties.

With all of this goodness, kelp can help your horse build healthy hooves, skin and coat, and mane and tail. It also can help detoxify the body, provide key minerals and vitamins in a bioavailable form, and help your horse maintain healthy body weight and energy levels. With all of these benefits, and only one tablespoon per day requirement, why not add kelp to your horse’s bucket?

Note: Kelp is NOT safe for pregnant or lactating mares


Inspired by Nature


What’s Inside: Chia